Washington Career Development Association
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WCDA Leadership

WCDA Current BOARD Members

Josefina Magana


I am a passionate leader who motivates and empowers people to find their true talents and become effective agents of positive change. I impact peoples’ lives through purpose, empowerment, and connection. Washington’s State workforce is under some unprecedented times and will need career professionals who can build a roadmap for Washingtonians. Thus, I am privileged to be part of the Washington Career Development Association, and drive positive change along other like- minded career development professionals. Read more...

Prior to managing safety and health projects at the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, I obtained a Master’s Degree in International Relations at the Brussels School of International Studies where I expanded my international policy knowledge. I received my BA from Western Washington University in 2007 majoring in Spanish and Sociology. Upon graduation from Western, I pioneered bilingual programs in Spain that allowed students to learn English as a second language. I am currently the vice chair of the Washington Interagency Committee of State Employed Women. This organization’s mission is to better the lives of state employees through advocacy, outreach, opportunity, and by advising the governor on policies that affect state-employed women. Prior to being the vice chair, I planned and launched a six-month mentorship pilot with over 40 participants from different stage agencies. This pilot will manage risks and validate benefits to recommend a full-scale statewide mentorship program.

Chuck Zimchek
Treasurer/WCDA Central Chapter Leader

The seed for my interest in career counseling was planted when I experienced the pain of a misfitting occupation and bloomed when required to teach a high school career exploration class. My interest in career development has not waivered since, over the past three decades. I have been happily employed as a career counselor at Central Washington University since 2012 and serve students in the College of the Sciences. I was part of the team that founded the new WCDA and am committed to seeing it continue to grow, flourish, and be a significant, unifying influence and resource for Washington’s career development professionals and the people they serve.

Juliet Jones-Vlasceanu

WCDA Technology and Communications

Juliet is CEO of Career Key (careerkey.org), a Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF) and a graduate of Princeton University and Seattle University School of Law. For 25 years, she has helped people navigate complex and intimidating systems in the world of work with greater confidence. For 10 years as a labor and employment lawyer, she advised individuals, unions, managers, and served as Legal Officer for the Washington State Patrol. In 2006, she changed careers to work with Career Key’s founder, her father and retired counselor educator from N.C. State University, Dr. Lawrence K. Jones, NCC. A member of NCDA for many years, Juliet has led Career Key’s transformation into a career well-being and education technology company. She lives in West Seattle with her husband and son.

Aaron Woods

WCDA Secretary

Aaron started working at CWU as a career counselor in the Spring of 2020. Prior to moving to Ellensburg, Aaron grew up  and lived in Oregon and had a 20 year career in the high-technology field where he was a technician, project and program manager for software systems at a silicon chip manufacturer.  Aaron enjoys exercise, watching movies/TV/sports and doing home improvements. Aaron also enjoys learning about history through books and travel.

WCDA Members-At-Large 2023-2025

Casey Ball


I seek passion in everything I do! For every single person at some point in their life, passion is hard to find. My self-identity and pride are deeply rooted in my own professional experiences; beginning by climbing the leadership ranks in a youth development summer program, providing person-centered employment support services to adults with I/DD, facilitating grants so students experience high barriers could access high wage-high demand careers, and now growing the Spokane Falls Community College  Student Employment (aka work study).

Judy Hopkins
East Chapter Secretary, Member-At-Large  

I wear many hats in my job at WSU, from coaching students one-to-one who seek jobs and internships to presenting on career topics across campus and teaching a career-related undergraduate course for students currently engaged in internships. Additionally, I work with employers and campus partners to develop internship programs and professional career development tools and training. I additionally serve on the ROAR Advisory Board, Washington state’s only independent living program for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs).

Juliet Inoue


Juliet is the Program Coordinator of the Office of Career Education at Spokane Falls Community College. This includes developing policies and procedures for reaching out to students, faculty, and other stakeholders to promote services, upcoming events, and new partnerships. She also provides one-on-one student support to identify the needs of students and provide them with in-depth guidance and resources. Moreover, she serves as a bridge of communication campus wide to deliver smooth running programs to students and connect them with campus resources by initiating and maintaining strong partnerships with the faculty, program leads, and administrative staff.

Dale Larson


Dale Larson has served as Internship Coordinator at Central Washington University since February of 2023 after filling the same post as a temporary employee for 4 months in 2022.

A graduate of Western Washington University, Dale has also earned advanced degrees in both Divinity and Adult and Community Education. In addition to 8 years as an Assistant Professor of Practice in Youth Development for both Washington State and Oregon State Universities, Dale has 3 decades of experience as a parish pastor both in Washington and Indiana and has served on several non-profit boards and community advisory committees.

Liz Wilber


Liz Wilber has been working as a career development counselor at People For People in Stevenson, WA, for two years. There, she works with WIOA programs for low-income adults and dislocated workers, guiding participants towards self-sufficient, self-fulfilling work. She is also the business outreach coordinator for her area, and she enjoys engaging with local business owners and helping them fill their workforce needs. Liz moved to the Columbia River Gorge from South Florida three years ago and loves living in Washington!

Before entering the career development field, Liz was a tenured professor at Palm Beach State College. She spent much of her career teaching developmental reading and writing and then taught college composition, so she is an expert educator. She has an BA in English, MSED in TESOL, and an MA in English literature with a concentration in multicultural and world literature.

Interested in Leadership Opportunities?

We're always looking for members to take on leadership roles within the organization and would be happy to speak with you about how you might serve WCDA. Board leadership elections happen annually in the spring. Please email us at info@mywcda.org to express interest.

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© Washington Career Development Association

Supporting career professionals in Washington by providing learning opportunities, developing community, and encouraging innovation

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