Washington Career Development Association
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Area Served

Upcoming Events

The Eastern Chapter is proud to serve and support the professional development of career practitioners in Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Ferry, Garfield, Lincoln, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens and Whitman counties. If you live in a nearby county not listed above, and don't affiliate with another WCDA chapter, we welcome you to participate in the Eastern Chapter, as well!

Virtual Workshop: Dependable Strengths – with facilitators, Aimee Elber and Sandi Brabb – Thursday, August 1, 9 AM - 1 PM, Pacific Time

Executive Committee meeting – TBA (zoom)

NCDA Facilitating Career Development Training:

Career & Professional Development at Gonzaga University is now offering the National Career Development Association’s (NCDA) Facilitating Career Development training in Spokane. Through the course of this 120-hour program, career professionals will learn career development skills and services, helping and facilitation skills, case management and referral skills, and more. Please see the Facilitating Career Development website for more information about the course. Participants may also be eligible to receive the Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP) credential upon completion of the course.

To share ideas for future Eastern Chapter events, please contact chapter president Aimee Elber at Aimee.Elber1@dshs.wa.gov. To see all upcoming WCDA events, click here:  events 

  Our Story

The WCDA Eastern Chapter began in 2021 as a discussion among career development staff at Spokane Community College and Washington State University, Pullman, WA. The discussion centered on providing local access to training, collaboration, information sharing, networking, and to broaden the representation of the career and workforce development field within the WCDA.  The chapter is excited to build WCDA membership and professional development opportunities through engaging, relevant programming and events.  

  Chapter Leadership

Aimee Elber

Sandi Brabb

Judy Hopkins

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