Washington Career Development Association
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WCDA Virtual Career Development Conference


  • Event Registration for current WCDA members
  • For members of the Oregon, California, and Idaho Career Development Associations.

2020 Virtual Career Development Conference

Event Topic:

"Career Development in Uncertain Times"

A day of virtual professional growth


9:00 Coffee and an Interactive Demonstration of Networking in a Remote Environment - Facilitated by Stan Pichinevskiy and Samara Reich Thomas

10:00 Impact and Predictions for Washington State from the Employment Security Department - Anneliese Vance-Sherman

11:00 Helping Clients Navigate Career Disruptions - Dan Kelley Peterson and Patrick Willis

12:30 The Future of the WCDA- Meet our new board members, find out what the WCDA has been up to, and learn about our new statewide initiatives!

1:30 Delivering Career Development Content Online: Resources, Processes & Practices - Stan Pichinevskiy, Dawn Williams, and Hayley Leventhal

2:30 "Career Challenges and Opportunities: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" by Dr. Sue Pressman 
Dr. Sue E. Pressman, nationally recognized as one of the country’s leading career management and transition experts, and incoming President of the American Counseling Association (ACA) 2020- 2021.

Dr.  Sue  E.  Pressman,  a  licensed  professional  counselor  with  additional certifications (NCC, NCCC, MCC, BCC, GCDFI), has been a practitioner and business  owner  and  active  ACA  member  for  over  35  years.    Through  her  company  Pressman  Consulting,  LLC  she  serves  agencies  and  corporations  focusing  on career counseling, leadership development, and training and many organizational  change  initiatives.  She  has  conducted  several  organization  climate  studies  that  have  led  to  improved  communication,  restructuring,  and  targeted  professional  development. She applies a practical and business‐wise approach to helping align  individual and organizational goals to meet their ever changing requirements. Her largest client is  the United States Government.   Sue’s  counseling  career  began  at  Gallaudet  University  where  she  served  as  a  counselor  and  instructor.  She  opened  new  doors  to  employment  for  students  by  helping  organizations  create  inclusive  employment  environments.  She  facilitated  the  establishment  of  the  University  Career Center and became the first Director. She is fluent in American Sign Language.  Sue  has  earned  a  stellar  reputation  providing  leadership  coaching  with  government  senior  executives, supervisors, military & Foreign Service officers, employees at all levels, and people with  disability. She has consulted with every cabinet level  federal agency,  the intelligence community,  and many smaller agencies and bureaus, providing counseling, coaching, training and organization  climate studies for improving and changing workplace environments.  As a counselor and coach she  strives to empower clients on their journey to discovery, choices, and realization.   Sue  served  on  the  ACA  Governing  Council  (2012‐2018),  on  several  ACA  committees  including  Executive  Council,  and  led  the  ACA  2018‐19  Counselor  Compensation  Task  Force.  She  is  a  Past  President of the National Employment Counseling Association (NECA), active with NCDA, MGCA, a  member of the Maryland Counseling Association and Virginia Counselors Association.   Sue  is  the  recipient  of  numerous  awards  including  NECA’s  Breaking  the  Glass  Ceiling  for  her  entrepreneurial work and hiring of career counselors; NCDA’s Merit Award in 2013  for significant  contributions  to  the  field  of  career  development;  the  Founder’s  Award  by  the Deaf  and Hard  of  Hearing  in  Government  establishing  a  government‐wide  non  profit  organization;  and  IRS  Deaf  Corporate Sponsor Award for her support of deaf government workers.  Sue  received  her  PhD  from  Virginia  Tech  in  Counselor  Education,  MA  from  Gallaudet  in  Rehabilitation  Counseling,  and  BA  from  the  University  of  Florida,  and  an  AA  from  Miami  Dade Community College. She has authored numerous career management guidebooks, contributed  to  professional journal articles,  syndicated  newspaper  columns, and  newsletters.  A  native  Floridian,  Sue grew up in Florida where she resided until moving to the Washington, DC area where she has  resided  for  over  35  years.  She  is  married  to  Dr.  Allan  Dosik,  an  Optometrist.  They  have  one  daughter, Lianna who is a pianist/singer/songwriter based in Southern California (lelerose.com). 

© Washington Career Development Association

Supporting career professionals in Washington by providing learning opportunities, developing community, and encouraging innovation

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