Washington Career Development Association
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The rules have changed — again.
In every business cycle, technological revolution or economic upset, the workforce takes the brunt of the change. Reorganized priorities wash away whole segments of previously beneficial employment, obsolescence stops career growth and corporate ownership builds walls around their resources and is very hard-nosed about investing in new people or ideas.
Tom Jackson has followed several of these tectonic shifts during his experience as an author and thought leader in career development. He has documented new ways for people to stay in charge of their careers and life futures despite external circumstances. Among his pivotal books are Guerrilla Tactics in the Job Market, The Hidden Job Market and The Perfect Resume.
In this teleconference, Jackson will describe his ideas about the free stream in greater detail and will speak to the techniques and approaches that strengthens peoples‘ ability to take this path to greater productivity, employment and, ultimately, a higher quality of life. Among the elements to be discussed:
The teleconference is free for PSCDA members and $10 for non-members.
Supporting career professionals in Washington by providing learning opportunities, developing community, and encouraging innovation