Washington Career Development Association
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Webinar Presentation Presenter: Bill Gregory
Bill Gregory will show how 5 ONET search routines will help a client to dream and how 5 other search routines will result in realistic planning. Success stories from the audience will give you the specifics you need to manage your clients for productive use of the ONET resource.
If you have a success story to share you will have up to 5 minutes to tell it to the group.
If you send a picture of yourself and/or your web site it will be used when you speak.
This webinar presentation will be posted to You Tube if it is successful. PSDCA will be credited for its role.
Register as soon as possible. You will receive a link to download the GoToWebinar client one week prior to the meeting. Once you register you will receive detailed instructions. AND, don't forget to let me know if you would like to present a success story. Email to: billgreg@YAHOO.com
We will cover -
Supporting career professionals in Washington by providing learning opportunities, developing community, and encouraging innovation