Washington Career Development Association
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  • December 02, 2022 4:50 PM | Aaron Woods (Administrator)

    Workshop Hosted by

    Center for Dependable Strengths

    Event Link: https://www.dependablestrengths.org/product-page/oct-nov-2022-dependable-strengths-facilitator-training-virtual

    Dependable Strengths Facilitator Training is an engaging, virtual workshop conducted by Dependable Strengths Master Trainers. The facilitator training starts with you experiencing Dependable Strengths for yourself – uncovering your own strengths to find out what you uniquely do well and enjoy doing. This may confirm what you already know about yourself or reveal hidden strengths that may set you on a new, more meaningful path…or somewhere in between. No matter what, be prepared for insights and change for the better for yourself and your client base.

    • Outcomes

      You will learn how to increase the effectiveness and success of your clients, students, staff, employees, or others – by becoming a trained facilitator of the Dependable Strengths Process. You will learn to help others uncover individual potential and increase their employability, self-esteem, motivation, appreciation of diverse perspectives and overall career and life satisfaction.

    • Format

      Learn to facilitate the Dependable Strength Process

      You will gain the skills and knowledge and a solid grounding in the process that will give you confidence and experience for leading it with others. This will include learning the history and research behind Dependable Strengths, practice teaching parts of the process with the help of colleagues, developing initial plans for implementing your own workshop, and receiving all materials for facilitating the process. 


      Upon completion of the workshop, you will be eligible for Dependable Strengths Instructor certification.

    • Upcoming Offering

      Duration: January 23 - February 10, 2023

      Days: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays (over three weeks)

      January 23, 25, 27, 30; February 1, 3, 6, 8, 10

      (Participants should plan to attend all sessions)


      12:00 p.m. till 2:30 p.m. (Pacific Time)

      2:00 p.m. till 4:30 p.m. (Central Time)

      3:00 p.m. till 5:30 p.m. (Eastern Time)

  • September 16, 2022 2:59 PM | Juliet Jones-Vlasceanu (Administrator)

    WCDA will sponsor an FCD (Facilitating Career Development Training) course beginning in January 2023. Completion of the course is the first step towards professional certification in career development through NCDA or CCE (GCDF).

    Normally, FCD instructors (all certified through NCDA) are required to charge at least $975 for the course. However, for this one-time contract through WCDA, the price will be $475, for WCDA members only (and new members are welcomed!)

    While details of timing are not firm, the 15-24 week course will begin in January and will be taught via Zoom (likely 90-minute class/week). WCDA members will be able to register through the website in Dec./Jan. As planning details are decided, more information will be announced on the WCDA website.

    Questions can be sent to either/both instructors, Dr. Kate Duttro duttro@uw.edu (UW, retired) and Dr. Chuck Zimchek (CSU) chuck@careerchek.com

    Sign up to learn more when details are finalized!

  • September 12, 2022 2:03 PM | Juliet Jones-Vlasceanu (Administrator)

    Aimee Elber, MA (she/her), WCDA Eastern Region Chapter President and Regional Transition Consultant with the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, will be presenting at the Washington Workforce Association Fall Conference, 2022 WWA Workforce: Stronger Together on November 10 in Seattle, WA.

    Her presentation, “Combating Ableism: Simple ways to improve accessibility and inclusivity in the workplace” is a 75-minute workshop that will focus on Ableism within the context of the workplace. The conversation will highlight both visible and invisible disabilities, with discussion on simple ways to minimize Ableism at work, building awareness about Ableism and offering best practices for supporting staff and colleagues with disabilities. Participants will engage in interactive discussions - learning about the Medical vs. Social/Human Rights models of disability, the various forms of Ableism and how they may apply in the workplace, Ableist stereotypes, and guidelines for reducing Ableism.

    Be sure to say hi to Aimee if you attend the conference!

  • December 05, 2020 9:20 AM | Anonymous

    The WCDA is seeking a graduate student representative to join our executive board! This is an excellent opportunity for a student interested in career development to gain leadership experience, network with professionals, and contribute to the future of the career development field.

    Student Representative: appointed (2 year term) 

    • Representative will be currently enrolled in a counseling or counseling related graduate program
    • The student representative will work with the executive board to help ensure that WCDA as an organization meets students’ needs and help identify new programs that would benefit students in the field of career counseling.
    • The student representative will serve as an ex-officio representative on the WCDA executive board.
    • Participate and support events planned by WCDA. 
    • Promote graduate student participation in WCDA events. 
    • Engage in quarterly meetings with board members.

    To apply or find out more information, email your resume and a letter of interest to info@mywcda.org.

  • May 27, 2020 10:45 AM | Anonymous

    Each year, the WCDA brings together career development professionals throughout the state of Washington for our annual Professional Development Institute. This year, due to public health guidance banning large gatherings due to Covid-19, the PDI planning committee asked the question: "how can we turn this challenge into an opportunity?" Together the committee re-envisioned the event to include components that would normally be cost- or time-prohibitive. With that in mind, the WCDA lowered the registration fee to be more accessible, expanded our search to speakers outside of Washington, and invited our neighbors in the Oregon and California Career Development Associations. The committee started over from scratch to develop an all-day virtual event to provide networking activities, offer affordable professional development, and address the impact of Covid-19 on our profession and the economy. 

    Presentations during the event covered topics such as an interactive networking demonstration, supporting clients during transitions, and an overview of service delivery platforms. We were also lucky to invite Anneliese Vance-Sherman from the Washington Employment Security Department to discuss the economic impact of Covid-19 and predictions for the State of Washington. Finally, Dr. Sue Pressman, a career counselor practitioner and incoming President of the American Counseling Association, joined us from the east coast to present a keynote on the topic of "Career Challenges and Opportunities: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."

    The WCDA is very happy to say that almost 90 people registered from across Washington, making 2020 our most attended conference yet! Daniel Kelley-Petersen, 2019-2020 WCDA President, said of the event, "

    participants of the 2020 WCDA Virtual PDI were engaged, curious, and collaborative career development professionals. Several people stated their gratitude and support for having a space to connect with colleagues and to learn as well as share resources and processes to support all of the people who are seeking career development support."

    Feedback from attendees was also very positive. One new member wrote "the content was great. I really love this community, which I am new to. Thank you for making me feel welcome!" Other feedback praised the use of breakout sessions, the networking opportunities, and the timely topics. 

    Perhaps nothing better captured the WCDA's goal to broaden the event's scope this year than the impromptu musical performance at the end by Dr. Pressman's daughter Lele Rose, a professional musician and singer sheltering-in-place with family during Covid-19. After a full day of networking and education, it was truly special to watch colleagues from across the state joined by their children, partners, and pets to watch our own private live concert. 

    A special thanks to our 2020 PDI committee: Chuck Zimchek (Chair), Samara Reich-Thomas, Stan Pichinevskiy, and Hayley Leventhal; and to our volunteer photographer Jessey Allen.

  • February 21, 2019 11:45 AM | Anonymous

    For the first time, the WCDA is offering five scholarships to the 2019 annual WCDA Professional Development Institute on 5/17/19 in Sammamish, WA. These scholarships cover the cost of the PDI registration and are available to currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students with a demonstrated interest in career development work. Scholarship recipients will be responsible for the $15 annual student membership fee (if they are not already members of the WCDA) and must agree to limited volunteer duties including: checking in PDI attendees, providing technical assistance to speakers, or setting up the rooms. Students are responsible for their own travel and accommodations. To apply for the scholarship, students should fill out the application by April 1, 2019. We will also offer discounted registration for current students who are not selected for funding.

  • December 18, 2018 2:49 PM | Anonymous

    The NCDA Poetry and Art Contest is a great way to engage the Washington community in creatively addressing issues related to career development. WCDA has decided to participate this year and invite you to join us with this year’s theme, "Using Careers to Break Barriers, Empower Lives & Achieve Equity." The 1st place winner of the contest will receive a $50 gift card to Fred Meyer and be invited to present their art or poem at our annual PDI on May 17th, 2019. 

    Every adult and student enrolled school is eligible, as well as adult practitioners who are not in school. Contest divisions areas include:

    • Primary - grades K-2
    • Intermediate - grades 3-5
    • Middle - grades 6-8
    • Senior - grades 9-12
    • Adult Student - ages 18 and older, enrolled in school
    • Open Adult - ages 18 and older, not enrolled in school

    If you are interested in participating, go to the following web address for categories and instructions (https://www.ncda.org/aws/NCDA/pt/sp/ncdmonth). If you decide to participate, please contact Chuck Zimchek by emailing him at zimchekv@cwu.edu. Deadline for hard-copy submissions is January 20. 

  • October 25, 2018 8:20 AM | Anonymous

    Welcome to WCDA - and our new website! We are glad you are here! We have only existed since 2015, but have grown from 7 to 70. We are accessible, inclusive, and affordable. We promote the career development field through training opportunities, building community, and promoting public understanding and awareness.

    Already a member? Tell us about your interests and strengths at info@mywcda.org so you can get involved. Not a member yet? No time like the present to make it happen! 

    Chuck Zimchek, WCDA President

  • June 15, 2018 8:23 AM | Anonymous

    PSCDA and WCDA Proposal

    For 30 years, PSCDA has been an important way for area career professionals to develop their skills as practitioners, meet like-minded individuals, and grow their business.  Over the last several years, circumstances have changed for our organization.  It has become increasingly difficult to plan and sustain a monthly calendar of events.  Finding centrally-located meeting space has been a challenge as Seattle-area traffic has become unbearable.  Fewer individuals are able to dedicate time to attend events or participate in board leadership with competing responsibilities. 

    PSCDA operational costs have continued to rise, while annual PSCDA membership and monthly event revenues have continued to decline.
    Costs include:
    website, database management, and banking fees;
    meeting space fees;
    refreshments for meetings;
    and honorariums for guest speakers. 

    Three years ago, the Washington Career Development Association was reestablished and is a state affiliate of the National Career Development Association.  www.mywcda.org  Current board members of PSCDA and WCDA—Angie Engel, Brad McGuire, Krissy Peterson, Dawn Williams, and Chuck Zimchek—along with founding members of PSCDA—Bill Gregory and Kate Duttro—have been in discussions about combining our organizations. 
    This merger would allow us to:
    Share costs;
    Provide alternate methods of program delivery, such as online webinars;
    and to Create a stronger, statewide organization

    WCDA plans to create regional chapters within the state (Ellensburg, Tacoma, Spokane, Bellingham) and PSCDA would serve as a model for the creation of these area career development groups.  We feel that combining our organizations would allow PSCDA to remain viable and continue to fulfill the mission established by its founding members.   

    A recent survey of the WCDA members showed their support of combining our organizations.  The WCDA board will take its vote on Friday, January 26, 2018.  

    Frequently Answered Questions:
    The current cost of WCDA membership is $25 annually.  (PSCDA annual dues are $55/year)

    You do NOT need to hold a Master’s degree in counseling to be a WCDA member. 
    Members are those who have an interest in career development and have a desire to uphold the purpose and principles of WCDA. It is anticipated, but not required, that Regular Members have related experience and education/training or are employed as career practitioners or work in other career development related positions.

    WCDA hosts quarterly remote events.  For the last 2 years, PSCDA and WCDA have hosted joint events. 

    PSCDA and other regional groups would still be able to host local area events.

    WCDA hosts an annual Professional Development Institute in Washington State the 3rd Friday in May with
    · Featured Speakers Presenting on Innovative Career Topics
    · Networking with Constituency Groups and Regions
    · Attendee-Led Round Table Discussions

    PSCDA and the other regional groups would have representation on the WCDA board.

    If you have any further questions or concerns about the proposed merger, please feel free to phone Angie Engel at 407-470-4649/cell or 509-963-3841/work.  

    All individuals in our PSCDA database, including current and past members, are invited to participate in a survey to share their opinions about the proposal.  Individuals may access the survey here:  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BWXX8V7

    Thank you in advance for completing the PSCDA Survey Monkey poll.

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Supporting career professionals in Washington by providing learning opportunities, developing community, and encouraging innovation

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