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What ideas do you think need to be considered in making career outcomes more effective?

  • March 19, 2019 2:24 PM
    Message # 7235232

    I am interested in insuring that the relevant processes from the successful career counseling that is going on in the trenches are utilized. We need a common understanding. People seem to assume that if they use the words career connected experience, career development, career coaching, or career counseling that there is mutual understanding about what the words mean. We are at an exciting time for career development policy and we need clarity.

    For example, ONET distinguishes between Worker Characteristics and Job Characteristics. In the former, people are helped to enhance their understanding of their values, interests, and abilities. This enhances their sense of self. In the latter, students are made aware of the Work Activities used in a job and are asked to identify those of interest and adequate competency.

    In my opinion career development policy makers are not paying enough attention to what are called Work Activities, Competency Dimensions, or Job Behaviors. Most employing organizations have robust competency management systems for all levels of employees that could be integrated. We would help students identify how they have responded to challenges in work samples, social situations, or time alone. We would help students develop an appreciation that they have responded effectively in many situations in the past, opening may occupational doors.

    Please share your ideas.


    Bill Gregory

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